How to prioritize tasks in business development

March 9, 2022
How to prioritize tasks in business development

It’s a real challenge to prioritize tasks in business development. Read our practical tips to get more things done, faster.

It can be a real challenge to prioritize tasks in business development when everything seems important. Often, we have so many tasks that we don’t know where to start. We struggle to evaluate which task should be a top priority.

Multitasking is sometimes not the best solution. Multitasking seems like a good way to get a lot of things done at once. However, our brain is not nearly as good at handling multiple tasks at once as we like to think it is. Actually, multitasking can reduce productivity. So you often end up with bad results.

While you’re switching from one task to another, you’re losing your focus and precious time. On the other hand, if you decide to stick to one task until you finish, you won’t lose your focus and will get it done more quickly. Overall, doing tasks one by one will improve your productivity.

Check these other practical methods to prioritize tasks in business development and learn how to get more things done in less time.

1. Create a to-do list to prioritize tasks in business development

It’s important to identify your daily tasks, then work on creating a system that enables you to succeed. To achieve this, you should create a to-do list. First, choose the right platform for your list. This can be a Word document, Google Docs, or a small piece of paper. You can also use digital apps to make your to-do list. All of these options are fine as long as they’re easy to access and adapt to your personal style.

Further, you can break your to-do list into smaller, more specific sections. For example, divide your tasks by monthly, weekly, and daily goals.

Now that you’ve divided your tasks into sections and made a list, you can start analyzing them.

2. Analyse your to-do list

Go through your list and review each task carefully. Then decide what you want to do with them. You have four possibilities.

Firstly, you can make a certain task your priority and start working on it right away. Secondly, you can postpone the task and do it later on.

Thirdly, you might want to delegate the task to someone else. If you choose the third option, make sure you choose the right person and ask them to do it.

Finally, if you realize that the task is not necessary or important, you can simply remove it. You can add a new more important task to your list, or leave it as it is.

These are all things you have to do and that will take a longer time to complete. Now that you have a to-do list of your postponed and delegated tasks, you’re ready to start prioritizing them.

3. Prioritize tasks on your to-do list

Prioritization is crucial for achieving long-term goals. You need to understand what you’re really working toward; whether it’s a promotion, a new project, or a career change.

This will help you identify the most important tasks for positive future results. The best way to prioritize tasks is by choosing those that will have the biggest impact on your end goal.

4. The Eisenhower Matrix framework

When prioritizing tasks, it’s handy to use The Eisenhower Matrix. This framework will help you categorize each task and responsibility based on urgency and importance.

It’s especially helpful at times when you’re having a bunch of tasks to finish. It helps you visualize what’s really important and what can be postponed to a later date.

Using this specific framework will help you identify which tasks are important or urgent. You’ll be able to categorize your tasks based on the urgency and value they bring to your end goal.

The BD School - Organizational skills the Eisenhower matrix

According to this framework, there are 4 different types of tasks:

  • Urgent and important

Urgent ones are tasks and responsibilities that require instant action or attention. Important are those with high importance or value to goals. So, if your task is both urgent and important, it should be done immediately.

  • Important but not urgent

Important but not urgent are the tasks that are easy to postpone. However, they provide a lot of value once you complete them. So, they are important but you can choose the time that you’re going to work on them. It can be on the first day of the week or later.

  • Urgent but not important

If your task is not important, but it’s urgent, you can work on it yourself or you can delegate it to someone else. Find the right person and explain the task properly. Also, give that person enough time and guidance to fully get the task off of your to-do list.

  • Neither urgent nor important

Tasks that aren’t urgent and important should be removed from your to-do list. These can prove to be simply a waste of your time, so the sooner you drop them, the better.

Above all, a useful strategy is to focus on your Most Important Tasks (MITs). Choose three tasks to finish each day. These will be your most important tasks.

When using this method, your to-do list should contain about 1 to 3 MITs. List any other tasks as a bonus tasks. You should work on bonus tasks only once all your MITs are done.

5. Do your most important work first

Once you’ve prioritized your most important tasks, it’s time to actually choose how to start the day. Start your day right, so you can have a productive rest of the day.

You can add time blocks to each task. In this way, you spend the right amount of time required for each task.

As briefly explained, you can begin by choosing an important task out of the way first thing in the morning. It will give you the strength, motivation, and energy required to keep moving forward. Finally, you’ll be more productive and you’ll reach your goals more quickly.

Keep in mind that no matter how well you prioritize tasks, there is only so much you can get done in one day. And some distractions are impossible to avoid.

So, it’s important that you maintain a realistic approach in terms of setting goals and prioritizing tasks. Otherwise, you’ll create the wrong expectations and you’ll constantly feel like you’re falling behind.

Do you want to learn more about how to prioritize tasks in practice? Join our certification program and become a business development pro!

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