Are you a high potential employee?

April 14, 2021
Career growth
Are you a high potential employee?

A high potential employee tends to grow and succeed more quickly and effectively compared to others. Are you one of them?

In every organization, you can find different talents, but some employees have a higher potential than others.

Those are called high-potential employees (HiPo) and they are the ones who tend to be very successful in their current roles. Moreover, they possess the skills and knowledge necessary for higher positions and senior roles.

In short, high-potential employees are the next leaders in an organization.

HiPos are crucial for every organization as they are the force that moves the company forward. All of them have one thing in common – their specific characteristics and personality traits.

It’s important that their potential is recognized and rewarded. Because the success of the company depends on them.

Why are high potential employees important for the company?

There are many advantages to having high-potential employees in the organization. Firstly, they are likely to learn and progress faster than others.

So, the company is spending less money on their development. Secondly, they tend to motivate others to get better results. When other employees see how fast they grow, they are trying to do the same.

That’s where the competition begins and it’s a good thing because, in this way, the company as a whole improves its performance and success. Finally, as HiPos continue to grow in their career, they are also able to recognize and develop other HiPos.

This creates a line of the best employees that can help the company grow

Further, they understand that the success of the company depends on the efforts of all employees. They are always happy to help when their colleagues are overwhelmed.

So, they tend to get along with other employees. Moreover, they help in creating a positive work environment. They are aware of the importance of a positive attitude and its effects on the entire team and company.

Furthermore, they are eager to take on additional responsibilities and tasks. Often those are not in their job description, but high-potential employees see new responsibilities as opportunities to grow and gain new skills and experiences. They always want to do more and are not afraid of risk or failure.

Read this to improve your skills: Dealing with rejection in business development

Characteristics of a high potential employee

HiPos have many different characteristics. Those are what make them stand out from the crowd. And those are instrumental in identifying their future potential within the company.

Firstly, HiPos have natural ability and expertise in their performance. They are capable to deliver results with consistency and they are able to work autonomously.

HiPos possess high emotional intelligence. Therefore, they understand other people’s emotions and behaviors. Besides, they are showing high efficiency to cooperate with their team and manage their behaviors.

Secondly, high potential employees aspire to grow. They have clear long-term goals and actively work towards them. Often, they take on extra responsibilities and accountability for decision-making.

In addition, they share a desire to achieve great results by supporting growth. Not only on an individual level but as a team.

They want the company to succeed and reach the business goals.

Thirdly, HiPos are very adaptable. They work well under pressure and don’t get stressed or overwhelmed easily.

Good performance in high-pressure situations is one of the most important signs of good adaptability skills. When under pressure, they remain calm and can successfully guide their teams through tough situations.

Last but not least, high potential employees possess exceptional social skills. They are able to fast adapt their communication to various personalities. Their message is always clear and easy to understand.

Further, they adapt to changing circumstances in a professional way. They see changes as opportunities to learn and grow. In general, they are extroverts.

Often talkative, action-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, and risk-takers. Their ability to interact with others effectively is of great value to the company.

Read this to improve your skills: 8 business development skills you should master

To sum up

The high potential employee surpasses their colleagues in various circumstances. While achieving better levels of performance, they demonstrate behaviors that reflect their organization’s culture and image.

They also show a strong capacity to grow and succeed throughout their careers within an organization. In a more quick and efficient way compared to their colleagues.

HiPos are very beneficial for other employees as well. They are a great source of motivation. Their excellent results drive others to do the same. In turn, they are influencers in the company. Other employees see them as role models.

It's important you are aware of what makes an employee desirable as a business developer. You should know that it’s definitely possible to become a high-potential employee.

By being dedicated and willing to learn and improve on a daily basis. Good things take effort and time!

Join our personalized training platform and become a business development pro!

A high potential employee tends to grow and succeed more quickly and effectively compared to others. Are you one of them?

In every organization, you can find different talents, but some employees have a higher potential than others.

Those are called high-potential employees (HiPo) and they are the ones who tend to be very successful in their current roles. Moreover, they possess the skills and knowledge necessary for higher positions and senior roles.

In short, high-potential employees are the next leaders in an organization.

HiPos are crucial for every organization as they are the force that moves the company forward. All of them have one thing in common – their specific characteristics and personality traits.

It’s important that their potential is recognized and rewarded. Because the success of the company depends on them.

Why are high potential employees important for the company?

There are many advantages to having high-potential employees in the organization. Firstly, they are likely to learn and progress faster than others.

So, the company is spending less money on their development. Secondly, they tend to motivate others to get better results. When other employees see how fast they grow, they are trying to do the same.

That’s where the competition begins and it’s a good thing because, in this way, the company as a whole improves its performance and success. Finally, as HiPos continue to grow in their career, they are also able to recognize and develop other HiPos.

This creates a line of the best employees that can help the company grow

Further, they understand that the success of the company depends on the efforts of all employees. They are always happy to help when their colleagues are overwhelmed.

So, they tend to get along with other employees. Moreover, they help in creating a positive work environment. They are aware of the importance of a positive attitude and its effects on the entire team and company.

Furthermore, they are eager to take on additional responsibilities and tasks. Often those are not in their job description, but high-potential employees see new responsibilities as opportunities to grow and gain new skills and experiences. They always want to do more and are not afraid of risk or failure.

Read this to improve your skills: Dealing with rejection in business development

Characteristics of a high potential employee

HiPos have many different characteristics. Those are what make them stand out from the crowd. And those are instrumental in identifying their future potential within the company.

Firstly, HiPos have natural ability and expertise in their performance. They are capable to deliver results with consistency and they are able to work autonomously.

HiPos possess high emotional intelligence. Therefore, they understand other people’s emotions and behaviors. Besides, they are showing high efficiency to cooperate with their team and manage their behaviors.

Secondly, high potential employees aspire to grow. They have clear long-term goals and actively work towards them. Often, they take on extra responsibilities and accountability for decision-making.

In addition, they share a desire to achieve great results by supporting growth. Not only on an individual level but as a team.

They want the company to succeed and reach the business goals.

Thirdly, HiPos are very adaptable. They work well under pressure and don’t get stressed or overwhelmed easily.

Good performance in high-pressure situations is one of the most important signs of good adaptability skills. When under pressure, they remain calm and can successfully guide their teams through tough situations.

Last but not least, high potential employees possess exceptional social skills. They are able to fast adapt their communication to various personalities. Their message is always clear and easy to understand.

Further, they adapt to changing circumstances in a professional way. They see changes as opportunities to learn and grow. In general, they are extroverts.

Often talkative, action-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, and risk-takers. Their ability to interact with others effectively is of great value to the company.

Read this to improve your skills: 8 business development skills you should master

To sum up

The high potential employee surpasses their colleagues in various circumstances. While achieving better levels of performance, they demonstrate behaviors that reflect their organization’s culture and image.

They also show a strong capacity to grow and succeed throughout their careers within an organization. In a more quick and efficient way compared to their colleagues.

HiPos are very beneficial for other employees as well. They are a great source of motivation. Their excellent results drive others to do the same. In turn, they are influencers in the company. Other employees see them as role models.

It's important you are aware of what makes an employee desirable as a business developer. You should know that it’s definitely possible to become a high-potential employee.

By being dedicated and willing to learn and improve on a daily basis. Good things take effort and time!

Join our personalized training platform and become a business development pro!

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