Webinar: The business development mindset

September 21, 2022
Webinar: The business development mindset

What makes a successful business developer? Learn how to build the business development mindset using the CLAP framework.


Recently, I came across a question that said: “How to make growing a business easy?”

I thought it can be easy when you’re passionate about what you do. And when you’re committed to consistent quality work. But, it’s never a journey free of challenges.

Ask any business development manager and they can go on and on about the challenges they face in their work. From their emails being ignored, not finding high-quality leads, to not generating leads for months on end.

Now, what most business developers do, is think of finding more tools, strategies, or platforms to use. But they miss an important aspect of business development success: the right mindset.

To learn more about this, we organized a webinar. The speaker of the webinar and founder of The BD School, Lucia, talks more about reframing your mindset so that you can succeed in your career.

Types of mindsets

People have different ways of looking at things. They simply think differently. One of the main takeaways from the webinar is that there are two types of mindsets. The first type is a fixed mindset. The other type is a growth mindset.

Specifically, a fixed mindset is when you don’t believe that you can change inherent traits. Business developers with a fixed mindset tend to not support the idea that intelligence and personal characteristics can be changed.

In contrast, business developers with a growth mindset look at it differently. They don’t view themselves as people who can’t reframe or change their mindset. In fact, they support the idea that they can improve and progress over time by learning new knowledge.

They sign up for webinars, take courses, and read books. In return, they see an increase in motivation and achievement. Being open to learning means that you’re open to accepting problems, and finding ways to remove them.

the business development school - growth vs fixed mindset

The BD School – Fixed vs Growth mindset

As the first educational platform dedicated to business development, The BD School’s vision is to educate the next generation of business development professionals.

Our focus on personalized learning seeks to build a growth mindset in the business development community. So, by reframing the way you think about growing your business, you’ll overcome your challenges and ensure you meet your goals.

Build the business development mindset: The CLAP framework

Business developers who have a business development mindset share specific personality traits. They make up, what we call, the CLAP framework.

The CLAP framework focuses on:

  • C – Creativity
  • L – Learning agility
  • A – Adaptability
  • P – Persistence

The BD School – The CLAP Framework defines the 4 main characteristics of successful business development professionals

Creativity is one of the most important skills to have in business development. Growing your business requires you to be consistent and persistent to achieve your goals. But, when you fail to see results, a good imagination will get you out of trouble. Think about a time when every strategy you tried failed. Once you begin to think creatively, you will find solutions.

Learning agility refers to the idea of making learning a part of your lifestyle. Read about industry trends, market updates, your customers, and your competitors. Adaptability refers to being able to diversify your skillset. As a business developer, you juggle marketing, sales, research, project management, and so on. So, it’s important to have various skills.

In addition, persistence refers to accepting failure as part of the process. You can’t grow without failing. So, learn from your mistakes and be persistent in meeting your targets.

Build the business development mindset: Tips

The last thing to do in order to build the business development mindset is to be aware of some tips and read books. Learning from experienced business developers is often one of the best ways to reframe your mind. Not only do you get to see what you’re doing wrong, but also how to ensure that stops from happening.

In the webinar, Lucia gave many tips to help you build a business development mindset. With the following examples, you’ll excel in your work.

Here are some tips to boost your career:

1 – Take risks

Comfort is the biggest enemy in business. We tend to seek comfort in a world that’s changing every day. That’s why it’s important to step out of your comfort zone and take risks. It’s okay if things don’t go well. You can always learn from outcomes.

2 – Spend a day without your phone

It sounds like something impossible to do right? Technology defines where and how we work today. As a result, business developers forget the fact that life happens in the outside world. So, go out and experience it. Set a day when you’re not going to use your phone. It will refreshen your mind and make you feel more energized.

More takeaways:

  • Books to read
  • Extra tips
  • Challenges of business development managers

If you would like to increase your value as a business development pro, this is the time to become a certified BD Pro.

Join the next class of our live training!

What makes a successful business developer? Learn how to build the business development mindset using the CLAP framework.


Recently, I came across a question that said: “How to make growing a business easy?”

I thought it can be easy when you’re passionate about what you do. And when you’re committed to consistent quality work. But, it’s never a journey free of challenges.

Ask any business development manager and they can go on and on about the challenges they face in their work. From their emails being ignored, not finding high-quality leads, to not generating leads for months on end.

Now, what most business developers do, is think of finding more tools, strategies, or platforms to use. But they miss an important aspect of business development success: the right mindset.

To learn more about this, we organized a webinar. The speaker of the webinar and founder of The BD School, Lucia, talks more about reframing your mindset so that you can succeed in your career.

Types of mindsets

People have different ways of looking at things. They simply think differently. One of the main takeaways from the webinar is that there are two types of mindsets. The first type is a fixed mindset. The other type is a growth mindset.

Specifically, a fixed mindset is when you don’t believe that you can change inherent traits. Business developers with a fixed mindset tend to not support the idea that intelligence and personal characteristics can be changed.

In contrast, business developers with a growth mindset look at it differently. They don’t view themselves as people who can’t reframe or change their mindset. In fact, they support the idea that they can improve and progress over time by learning new knowledge.

They sign up for webinars, take courses, and read books. In return, they see an increase in motivation and achievement. Being open to learning means that you’re open to accepting problems, and finding ways to remove them.

the business development school - growth vs fixed mindset

The BD School – Fixed vs Growth mindset

As the first educational platform dedicated to business development, The BD School’s vision is to educate the next generation of business development professionals.

Our focus on personalized learning seeks to build a growth mindset in the business development community. So, by reframing the way you think about growing your business, you’ll overcome your challenges and ensure you meet your goals.

Build the business development mindset: The CLAP framework

Business developers who have a business development mindset share specific personality traits. They make up, what we call, the CLAP framework.

The CLAP framework focuses on:

  • C – Creativity
  • L – Learning agility
  • A – Adaptability
  • P – Persistence

The BD School – The CLAP Framework defines the 4 main characteristics of successful business development professionals

Creativity is one of the most important skills to have in business development. Growing your business requires you to be consistent and persistent to achieve your goals. But, when you fail to see results, a good imagination will get you out of trouble. Think about a time when every strategy you tried failed. Once you begin to think creatively, you will find solutions.

Learning agility refers to the idea of making learning a part of your lifestyle. Read about industry trends, market updates, your customers, and your competitors. Adaptability refers to being able to diversify your skillset. As a business developer, you juggle marketing, sales, research, project management, and so on. So, it’s important to have various skills.

In addition, persistence refers to accepting failure as part of the process. You can’t grow without failing. So, learn from your mistakes and be persistent in meeting your targets.

Build the business development mindset: Tips

The last thing to do in order to build the business development mindset is to be aware of some tips and read books. Learning from experienced business developers is often one of the best ways to reframe your mind. Not only do you get to see what you’re doing wrong, but also how to ensure that stops from happening.

In the webinar, Lucia gave many tips to help you build a business development mindset. With the following examples, you’ll excel in your work.

Here are some tips to boost your career:

1 – Take risks

Comfort is the biggest enemy in business. We tend to seek comfort in a world that’s changing every day. That’s why it’s important to step out of your comfort zone and take risks. It’s okay if things don’t go well. You can always learn from outcomes.

2 – Spend a day without your phone

It sounds like something impossible to do right? Technology defines where and how we work today. As a result, business developers forget the fact that life happens in the outside world. So, go out and experience it. Set a day when you’re not going to use your phone. It will refreshen your mind and make you feel more energized.

More takeaways:

  • Books to read
  • Extra tips
  • Challenges of business development managers

If you would like to increase your value as a business development pro, this is the time to become a certified BD Pro.

Join the next class of our live training!

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