How to use LinkedIn in business development

July 12, 2022
How to use LinkedIn in business development

How to use LinkedIn: download the complete guide for business developers. Learn how to use LinkedIn effectively and get results.

You heard LinkedIn is the place to be for business developers but…How to use it?

The digitalization of business development has come with the integration of digital tools into our daily tasks. Business developers have had to adapt to new technologies. In fact, they’ve become a central aspect of our work.

In turn, many business development professionals have turned to social media platforms to connect with their audiences. We use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But – if you’re working in the B2B space – your go-to platform should be LinkedIn.

With over 800 million users, the platform is one of the best to use especially for marketing, lead generation, and connecting with your target audience. It can help you reach out to current and potential customers so that you can offer them your products and services.

If you want to learn specific tips and tricks on how to use LinkedIn as a business developer, download this ebook for free!

1 – How to use LinkedIn for content marketing

One of the most helpful strategies is to do content marketing on the platform. The right content strategy will help you establish your presence in the market. Your audience will perceive you as credible and a provider of the right expertise.

To begin, optimize your LinkedIn profile with a professional profile photo and an attractive banner. Then, continue by including important keywords and information in the “About” section.

In this section, your audience will have the first glimpse of your personality and professional value. Remember that first impressions matter, make sure you write an interesting and engaging “about” section.

Once you establish your profile page, think about content. LinkedIn allows you to post photos, videos, documents, and articles. Posting is very important to reach your target audience.

The platform enables you to inform and educate them about your products and services. But, to also inspire them to take action. So, try to post daily or weekly so that you can increase engagement over time.

If you post articles, they should be a maximum of 1,000 words. If you post photos, then it can be useful to post three to four photos at once. Don’t forget to use a few hashtags in your posts. They help your posts show up in search engine results and reach more people.

2 – Use LinkedIn for lead generation

LinkedIn can also be very helpful for lead generation. As a business developer, it can help you not only find leads but also turn them into regular customers.

A recent study by Hubspot found that Linkedin generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%. The rate of Twitter and Facebook was much lower, at 0.69% and 0.77%, respectively.

So, it can be a great platform to gain new leads and clients!

To find high-quality leads, one of the best tips is to join LinkedIn groups. There are two ways that groups can be useful for you as a business developer.

First, you can post in groups. But, don’t post only about your business. Try to create content that is helpful to others. Great content helps you build authority and credibility.

Second, you can use a specific group to gain useful knowledge about your target audience. Most likely, they’ll share their pain points as customers. In turn, you can use this information to deliver targeted value propositions that solve their problems.

Once you’ve managed to build a presence, you can start contacting people from the groups 1-on-1. This will help you develop stronger relationships and move your prospects toward a final sale. LinkedIn prefers when people reach out to those they have something in common with. This results in fewer limitations from the platform.

Another helpful tip is to use the “Advanced Search” feature when looking for new leads. This can help you qualify your prospects better. But, it’s important to have an ideal customer profile beforehand. So, think about your customer’s location, industry, and the companies they work for.

3 – Build a relevant network

Apart from using LinkedIn groups and optimizing your profile, another great way to use the platform is to connect with your audience. LinkedIn is a networking platform, so you can leverage this to your advantage.

One strategy is to get referrals. Referrals and word of mouth are two of the most effective ways to gain new clients.

Asking your customers for referrals can be very useful to grow your business. Their positive feedback and comments can help you reach out to new people. And elevate your brand. This is often a cost-friendly practice that can save you precious time.

You can also use LinkedIn to forge new connections with people. The goal here isn’t to only increase the number of your connections or followers. But, to seek out quality in the connections you build.

One tip is to use the People You May Know tool to find useful connections.

Another way is to send requests to people who are relevant to your industry. For example, send a personalized message to people you had a brief conversation with at an event or conference. Or message clients you’ve worked with in the past. This will help you grow your network.

But, remember to not be too pushy with your message. It’s important to initiate conversations rather than simply sell your service. This will help you maintain good relations with others.

4 – LinkedIn tips for business developers

So now you know the basics of LinkedIn. Let’s get to some useful hakcs that can help you take more advantage of your presence on this platform:

Tip #1: Like and comment on other people’s posts

Make sure you interact with other people’s posts. This is very important as it shows that you’re engaging with other people’s ideas and opinions. It can be a great first step to connecting with other users.

Tip #2: Connect with people that engage with your posts

The other thing to do in this case is to take note of who likes your posts. Then send them a personalized message. You can say: “Thanks, happy you find it useful!”

We all want to feel important. So, sending a thank you message while mentioning their name can help you start a conversation.

Tip #3: Don’t upset LinkedIn

When you first start using LinkedIn, there are a few important facts to remember. Especially when it comes to connection requests.

LinkedIn offers you the option of creating a basic free account or premium account. With a basic free account, you can connect with colleagues and classmates. But, you’re allowed to send only up to 100 connections per week.

LinkedIn will let you know once you’ve sent requests to 100 profiles. The message usually states “You’ve reached the weekly invitation limit”.

If you send more or try to use automation, LinkedIn will temporarily or permanently block your account. So…be careful and don’t upset LinkedIn!

Tip #4: Download our free guide

We created a simple guide with a lot of tips to connect with the right audience, personalize messages, increase your network, and more.

If you want to take full advantage of LinkedIn…

Download the ebook with LinkedIn guidelines for business developers that will elevate your career!

linkedin guidelines for business developers

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